Sunday, May 10, 2009

Jake's senior pictures

Understandably, Kathy was a little worried about the two people driving around in her Honda. One was her teenage son, Jake, with a learner's permit; the other was me, a city transplant who hasn't driven in three years.

Jake drove back to the house without hitting anyone, and I got a great tour of West Seattle. It was the most beautiful Saturday in weeks, the perfect day for doing senior portraits.

Jake is headed to Eastern Washington this fall. Look at that blingin' tassel!

Jake suggested this picture against the concrete wall along his driveway. I like the way it turned out. We did get some funny looks from Kathy, who pulled into her driveway to see me sprawled out flat on the ground to make this picture.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVE the blue concrete wall one! Great soft light! good job! :)
