Sunday, September 27, 2009


Chris and I took advantage of a rare day off together to visit Paradise on Mount Rainier. The alpine meadows were blooming a brilliant red.

I'm the ultimate indoors city girl. Three years ago, there is no way I could even imagine wandering around a volcano. Bugs? Bears? Sun? Not for me!

Chris was gentle introducing me to the great outdoors. We stuck to paved trails, and we shared the path with elderly and very young hikers, even a woman in a sari. We basically stayed within sight of the swanky new visitor's center. (Yay for indoor plumbing!)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Zig zag shadows

When the wife and husband team Weiss/Manfredi designed the Olympic Sculpture Park, they had to find a way to navigate across Elliott Avenue and railroad tracks.

Their graceful solution is a walkway that zig zags over these obstacles. You can see the pattern from the air, and also echoed in the late afternoon shadows on Elliott.

Morning light

I'm an obscenely cheerful morning person. (Hard to believe I worked the night shift for almost three years, when I'd regularly stumble home after 1 a.m.)

I love watching the sun rise. First pink, then gold streaking into my kitchen.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Men of Jambool

Photographing software developers isn't quite the same as photographing a couple in love. Nonetheless, the Jambool guys obliged me with their GQ best. Team San Francisco was in town, the perfect opportunity to make a group picture.

We walked three blocks from their office in Pioneer Square to Seattle's City Hall, all clean lines and open public space.

Who says Seattle is cloudy and gloomy? It was hard to keep our eyes open with all that sunshine.

I stopped on James Street to catch a bus home, while the guys headed to back to, um, develop more software.